When we decided that Samurai-Con would go virtual, we tried to find a pre-existing virtual platform that could present a vendor’s products or services in a way that mimicked the experience of attending an in-person convention. We searched for months, but couldn’t find what we were looking for. Nothing matched our vision. Platform after platform seemed to treat exhibitors as merely an afterthought. What they called an exhibitors hall was little more than a list of exhibitor names, maybe with a logo, that you could arrange a video chat through.
So we decided to empty the piggy bank and hire a team of computer developers to custom code a platform from scratch to transform our vision of a truly interactive virtual exhibitor hall experience for Samurai-Con into a reality.
Months later, we have created the virtual exhibitors hall experience we’ve been dreaming about, where Samurai-Con attendees can enter an enormous 3D building shaped and decorated like a beautiful Japanese dojo. Inside this building are sleek exhibitor booths, where products are prominently displayed, and representatives can video chat with attendees, collect emails, offer promos, display a commercial for their company on their booth’s video screen, and most importantly, sell their products and services.
In addition to directly selling your product or service to Samurai-Con attendees by renting a virtual booth in the virtual Exhibitors Hall created specially for Samurai-Con to optimally showcase exhibitors’ products and services, you can advertise in the Samurai-Con Official Program, on the virtual platform, website and in emails, or through an infomercial of your product or service during Samurai-Con.
To apply or receive more information about showcasing your company at Samurai-Con, please email us at info@samurai-con.com.